What’s the best way to start?

As a first step just insert a term into the general search box. The query covers all fields including the individual description of sources. This approach is quite useful if you have a very specific search word. If you prefer, you can restrict your search to keywords, title or authors.

I am a newbie in this field and would just like to get an idea of the topics discussed. What do you recommend?

Try “Browse Alphabetically” (bottom of the entrance page “DATABANK”) – “by title” or “by topic.” “Browse the Catalogue” offers more possibilities.

In my first attempts, I got long lists with sources. How can I make my search more effective?

The “Advanced Search” (bottom left of the entrance page “DATABANK”) offers many possibilities to specify your query – just choose different search words, possibly tick “ANY”, “ALL” or “NO” in the “Match” Menue and restrict your search to titles, say, in English language.

My query has produced a list with interesting titles. How to proceed from here?

Just click one of the titles and you get the details. CC-Literature is a bibliography with annotations; apart from the bibliographic details you will see keywords (called “Subjects”) and in most cases – at the bottom a short description. Sometimes the abstract written by the author or the table of contents of a book are included. The technology used here (Vufind) offers many possibilities. To the right you see a list with “Similar Items,” which may be interesting for you. Of course, there are links to articles and, in some cases, you might have the possibility to get an idea of the content of a book under google books.

How can I save title information?

If you have opened a title you see, rather at the top of every page, on the left side a button “Cite this.” You can copy and paste the bibliographic data stored here. At the same line, further to the right, you see more options: “Export Records” offers you the transfer of bibliographic data directly into your own programme (Refworks, EndNote etc.). You also have the possibility to put interesting titles in a “Book bag” and make your final choice later before exporting a list of sources. (Note: Please observe, that the bibliographic representation of articles in edited books might not always be correct.)

How to get the actual source?

In many cases a link (often the DOI) gives you direct access to the website of the publication. Unfortunately, the majority of sources are not published “open access” (usually indicated in the field “abstract” of the bibliography with “access restricted”). You will have to obtain them via your academic library network. With regard to books, “google books” might give you at least an idea of the content; if applicable, this option is indicated in the databank.

I miss a number of authors, which are not included in the databank, although they are quite relevant, Silvio Gesell for instance.

Yes, there are writers who had and have a tremendous influence on the development of ideas in this field. However, the databank includes only sources, which directly discuss community currency. Under “RESOURCES” we provide a list with prominent examples of “Background LIT”. If you are interested in monetary issues, we refer to other collections (see “LINKS”).

I am interested in “alternative money,” but I am disappointed not to find more about cryptographic currencies like Bitcoin or historic currencies.

CC-Literature covers the discussion of experiments, which strive to establish separate economic circuits (see also our “PRINCIPLES”). Usually, this implies that the convertibility of the currencies used in these circuits is limited. Proposals for currency competition within the existing capitalist system are generally not included.

I have titles, which, I think, ought to be included into the databank.

We are always grateful for recommendations. If you published something yourself, we encourage you to submit your article or book for registration. In exceptional cases non-published sources may also be taken up. Please use our contact form. Of course, we reserve the right to incorporate titles in the databank. Please bear in mind, that we have a very selective policy in respect of integrating titles into the databank (see in this context our “PRINCIPLES”).

 I used CC-Literature before. How can I find amendments to the databank?

Under “Browse the Catalogue” (bottom of the entrance page “DATABANK”) go to “Input data”, then “By Year” and click the recent year.