Empirical Works and Experience Reports

The table below provides a few examples of sources which provide empirical studies or experience reports. Please find attached a PDF – Empirical_Works_2016 – with the complete list (as at the end 0f 2016). You can get the up-tp-date information in the databank under “Browse the Catalogue” – “Empirical Studies” – “By Alphabetical.”

3 Timebanks: “time bank by e-flux” Dutsch branch, Netherlands; Stadin Aikapankki (STAP), Finland; Rushey Green, London, UK. Laamanen, Mikko Record 1818
A Banco de Tiempo in Alicante (Spain) Carnero, Angeles Record 1752
a) Seniorengenossenschaft Riedlingen, Germany  b) Talente-Tauschkreis Vorarlberg, Austria Lang,Eva; Wintergerst,Theresia Record 1432
Aachener Tauschring Oecher Talente Harborth,Hans-Jürgen Record 178
Alternative Economic Practices in Catalonia after 2008 (with complementary currencies being one element) Conill, Joana Record 1757
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oberschlesien (Ausgleichskasse) Wackerzapp,N. N. Record 418
Argentinian Trueque: Red de Trueque Solidario (RTS) Cortesi,Javier Record 63